Daycare Management – Online

About the Program

Want to pursue a career in effective childcare and preschool management? Our Diploma in Daycare Management program is the best early childhood education course to begin your teaching profession. This comprehensive diploma in early childhood equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to lead and manage childcare facilities and preschools efficiently.

The program will help you train for a rewarding future in child daycare management. You will have the opportunity to learn about children and their development, select daycare furniture and toys, conduct children’s games and activities, schedule daily routines, plan healthy meals, etc.

This certificate program is one of the top teaching courses online in daycare/creche management providing an in-depth theoretical understanding of the skills and knowledge required to support overall development of young children.

What are the aims and objectives of the course?

  • The certificate course in daycare/creche management equips learners with the information, skills, and procedures needed to oversee the education and development of young children under the age of six.
  • This early childhood teacher course educates the learners about the development, needs, and rights of young children (0-6 years).
  • Learners gain insights on how to provide a comprehensive childcare program based upon the fundamental factors of child development in physical, social, and emotional growth, as well as cognitive development.
  • Learners receive guidance on how to provide a safe, comfortable environment that enables each child to develop self-confidence, self-discipline, and a good self-image.
  • Learners are trained to work in partnership with parents and support them in meeting the needs of their children.
  • Learners gain a comprehensive understanding of the stages of child development and how to effectively support children at each stage.
  • Learners achieve clarity on how to evaluate staff performance and identify professional development opportunities that respond to staff training needs.
  • Learners are trained to develop and demonstrate a variety of effective communication techniques.
  • Learners are guided in observing and assessing children's development and learning, using these insights to tailor instructions and provide individualised support.

What makes this course unique?

  • It covers topics such as child development and psychology, child nutrition, staff management, planning and evaluation, observation and documentation, and pre-school and daycare centre organisation, among others.
  • After completing the diploma in early childhood programme, learners are prepared to work in a variety of pre-primary education sectors. They can work in both the public and commercial sectors, or they can create their own childcare centre.
  • Register for this course to learn all about daycare management, which includes: setting up daycare; selecting child-appropriate toys, equipment, and resources; planning a daily routine of activities; adhering to safety standards and risk assessment; training staff, understanding laws and policies, and planning the right diet.

An Ideal Candidate for This Course:

  • Needs to have cleared the higher secondary board examination and completed their ECCE/NTT/Montessori course.
  • Should be above 18 years of age
  • Could be a teacher or an individual wanting to work in pre-schools, pre-primary schools, nursery schools, anganwadis, or establishment/management of childcare institutions.

Course Details

  • Certification: Certificate in Daycare Management
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Registration fees - Rs. 500
  • Course Fees: Rs. 5000
  • Mode of learning: Online

This unit teaches the significance of monitoring and recording children’s behaviour for later review and development-driven action plans.

Contact Details

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Module 1 - What is care?

This unit explores various facets of early childcare, including physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects. These facets eventually contribute to children’s development, well-being, and societal functioning, and hence, play a foundational role in moulding independant, civilised citizens of tomorrow.

Module 2 - Understanding Child Development

The section sheds light on various stages of child development, including infancy, toddlerhood, preschool stage, and early childhood. It will also give a clearer understanding of the key milestones at each stage.

Module 3 - Planning and setting up of Daycare

This section will guide learners on how to narrow down prospective daycare locations, plan practical layouts, and maintain safe, nurturing spaces for young children to thrive.

Module 4 - Training the Daycare Staff

This unit gives information about developing effective training programs to equip the daycare staff with expertise to deliver good care and support to young children.

Module 5 - Safety and First aid

This unit will train learners to identify common safety risks in daycare settings, implement preventive measures, carry out first-aid procedures to treat minor injuries, and develop a safe evacuation plan in case of emergencies.

Module 6 - Laws and policies related to Day Cares / creches

This unit familiarises learners with all the applicable laws and regulations associated with legally running a daycare centre.

Module 7 - Observation and documentation (Maintaining records)

This unit teaches the significance of monitoring and recording children’s behaviour for later review and development-driven action plans.