Want to pursue a career in effective childcare and preschool management? Our Diploma in Daycare Management program is the best early childhood education course to begin your teaching profession. This comprehensive diploma in early childhood equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to lead and manage childcare facilities and preschools efficiently.
The program will help you train for a rewarding future in child daycare management. You will have the opportunity to learn about children and their development, select daycare furniture and toys, conduct children’s games and activities, schedule daily routines, plan healthy meals, etc.
This certificate program is one of the top teaching courses online in daycare/creche management providing an in-depth theoretical understanding of the skills and knowledge required to support overall development of young children.
This unit teaches the significance of monitoring and recording children’s behaviour for later review and development-driven action plans.
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This unit explores various facets of early childcare, including physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects. These facets eventually contribute to children’s development, well-being, and societal functioning, and hence, play a foundational role in moulding independant, civilised citizens of tomorrow.
The section sheds light on various stages of child development, including infancy, toddlerhood, preschool stage, and early childhood. It will also give a clearer understanding of the key milestones at each stage.
This section will guide learners on how to narrow down prospective daycare locations, plan practical layouts, and maintain safe, nurturing spaces for young children to thrive.
This unit gives information about developing effective training programs to equip the daycare staff with expertise to deliver good care and support to young children.
This unit will train learners to identify common safety risks in daycare settings, implement preventive measures, carry out first-aid procedures to treat minor injuries, and develop a safe evacuation plan in case of emergencies.
This unit familiarises learners with all the applicable laws and regulations associated with legally running a daycare centre.
This unit teaches the significance of monitoring and recording children’s behaviour for later review and development-driven action plans.